During a full ride gymnastics scholarship to University of Washington, Canadian born Sandra Botnen craves more than scoring her routines on a scale of 1-10. She risks all when she joins the circus, a little heard of group of performers called Cirque du Soleil on the cusp of a meteoric rise to fame and worldwide recognition. But even there she observes the trappings of show business and fame. Driven by a love of dance, she breaks free yet again to pursue the heart of the matter. Life as a dancer explodes into an exploration of travel, food, friendships, work, love, and art. Snapshots of life at its best, and sometimes most challenging, form collage of off the beaten path experiences that both reveal and indulge the curious nature in all of us. 

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About SANdra botnen

Sandra Botnen is a former world ranking gymnast, contemporary dancer, choreographer, songwriter, jewelry designer, vegetable gardener, explorer of  farm to table cooking and French cuisine. She is also the winner of the IML Nomad Motif for her first book, Body Unfolding. Whether traveling, working or home-making, Sandra Botnen lives her life as an artist, with the mindset of a nomad. She currently lives in New York City with her husband, and continues to find her place in the world through movement and an exploration of writing, art, marriage, and her relationships with various animals. 

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